
Friday, August 10, 2007

Believing in spirit of LOVE................

May be I am just hopeful........ too optimistic....brimming with life. Because I have to believe in something, so I did. May be I have developed a habit of falling in love with everything which comes across.... good or bad. Eventhough I know, it hurts.... and it will only bring in pain, I still go with trying almost everything in life. I keep my doors open believing, the BEST is still to happen.It is impossible to go through life without TRUST.

But there are times when people let me down, but these are the times when I need to trust my own intuitions and keep my life focused in believing in my dreams. Spirit of love is so profound and deeply intact in me, that it allows me to survive and better than that, thrive with passion, compassion and style. Till the time there is LOVE, I have a hope. If this is lost, only sufferring and confusion ensue.

Keeping myself vulnerable to emotions, has started taking it toll on me, but I deny to give up. Donno why, but I still keep believing......
posted by Reetika at 8/10/2007 05:41:00 PM


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